As seen on UniMás, this film follows typically bad sci-fi/action factors
10 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Currently I'm watching "Mystery Science Theater 3000" on DVD to inform u that I can tolerate my fare Cher of crappy cinema. "Xtinction: Predator X" apparently is so bad there wasn't even any actor from a moderately rated TV show for me to recognize. The dialogue was so horrendous that I actually recognized words in Spanish after studying it for almost 5 years. Oh yes, I saw it on UniMás. "Xtinction" displayed typical tropes in bad movies I've seen on that channel such as the mad scientist w/ a sociopathic M.O., two damsels in distress getting pushed around by the arch-villain & his goons & many cleavage & brassiere shots to complement the misogyny. The sheriff is the hero perhaps based on the fact he's better looking then the hideous hick enemies. & oh yeah, the monster. If a monster movie is cheaply made, expect scarce shots of the ferocious alligator (which could be a mosasaurus, that I remember as a boy fascinated w/ dinosaurs), shots of the beast separate from the people; acting scared at off-screen monsters has gone on since bad black-and-white films, & minimal make-up, hence minimal gore & the crocodile w/ flippers swallowing it's victims whole. Of course one notable scene is when the (yep, I checked the box) beast explodes & a crewman hurls the red stuff from a bucket at an actress, followed by a deus ex machina. Is that 10 lines? Well, I'm glad to get it off my chest. 2 any fans of MST3K & RiffTrax, please view "Xtinction: Predator X" & record some good riffs in audio!
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