American Horror Story: Burn, Witch. Burn! (2013)
Season 3, Episode 5
Fiona and her coven prove they are ready for a war, and even internal rebellion.
10 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As I've said earlier, though Angela Bassett's character is fierce, she is largely on her own and that disadvantage will be her undoing. But, what makes things worse in this episode is Zoe's powers quickly evolving so she doesn't need sex to drain the life out of someone, much less us learning that Queenie, the voodoo witch doll, has such insane healing powers she can slice her throat and heal like Wolverine, or better. However, even though quite a bit of interesting things happen, most of the focus is split between Fiona and Delphine, and their issues with their daughters, as well Fiona's trial held by Myrtle and the council.

To start off, let's talk about Delphine's relationship with her daughters. Now, in last week's episode we saw them at the door to greet their mother to the shock of Delphine. From there we see her try to make amends with these zombies, which are under Marie's control, and considering the stuff she put her daughters through, you can understand why one tries to choke her to death. Then, on the flip side, we see Fiona's relationship with Cordelia, which as we know isn't the best, and though not as bad as Delphines, at the same time it makes it hard to feel for the mother when they were such a terrible parent. In fact, Fiona was so bad that she left Myrtle raise her daughter, out of all people.

But, Fiona is trying is hardest to not just keep her daughter, but also the coven. This involves telling off Cordelia's husband Frank, who comes to see the now blind Cordelia, who now has some type of clairvoyance, and then facing off with the council. Now, something you realize in this episode is that the council, despite having a fearsome name, really doesn't deserve the fear or prestige you'd attach to them. First, let us consider that the council doesn't even have the supreme amongst them, much less that they aren't even built up to be the most exceptional of witches and warlocks. So, as to no surprise, Fiona finds a way to manipulate them, though mostly Myrtle. You see, Fiona turns all of the accusations against her on Myrtle in order to make Myrtle seem so hell- bent on destroying Fiona that she would blind Cordelia, kill Madison, and do whatever else it would take. And, thanks to Queenie's help, Myrtle loses her power position and ends up voted against and she ends up being burnt at the stake.

Even with that battle over though, we must remember Marie Laveau is far from done. However, as said earlier, she is outnumbered and between Zoe; Misty; Queenie, who is now Fiona's favorite due to her helping to frame Myrtle; and then Fiona herself, it makes the fight seem less and less like something epic. I mean, come on, Marie Laveau may have the mouth and is able to raise the dead, but what is keeping Fiona from throwing the drummers to the side and stabbing Marie Laveau in the heart, or doing to Marie what she did to Delphine?

Making it so, overall, while it was cool to see Zoe's powers evolve and see some of the various mother/ daughter relationships get featured, I personally feel like we are definitely in a slow descent in quality. Of which, perhaps, the only thing which maybe able to save things is because Misty appears and revives Myrtle. Which, I hope and pray, may lead to a uneasy alliance to give Marie Laveau the backing she seems to desperately need.
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