Review of True Skin

True Skin (2012)
Awesome short! We need feature length!
10 November 2013
I just watched this for about the 10th time. It is really cutting edge. The graphics and special effects were great, the story was fun and entertaining, and the actors/narrator was spot on! Great job!

This really needs to be a feature length film. It would be such a relief from the stale Hollywood reboots/remakes and mediocre fair we keep getting pummeled with. If they remake Carrie one more time I think I will scream! And whats with the Star Trek reboot?...just let it die for God's sake!

We really need a new-age visionary to step up and make movies for those of us who aren't brain dead yet. I love the idea of brain-uploading and interchangeable parts. This is the new science fiction. This is what writers, producers, and directors should be working on. I hope we see more of this kind of science fiction soon!
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