Still, The Best Gay Adult Movie
10 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Found this few years ago and I never get bore when I replay and replayed. Just, great. Everything settle in a perfect fit and match. Classic one but I guess there is no match for this movie till this modern time.

There some aspects that makes this movie great.

The Story It's rare and maybe the only movie (as long as I know) a school teacher exposing his sexual orientation and sexual activity outside his professional being. And it was really well match. Plot ran slowly about lonely teacher, intense up when he pound boyfriend, and higher when his need of boyfriend cross with need of sexual fulfillment. In that part, he tried many sexual activity. Hooking up with stranger, bathroom cruising, and even tried S&M. After that, plot ran slow again and met the final.

The Acting Frank Ripploh, the lead actor also director played his part really good. Also Bernd Broaderup as Bernd. I love Bernd's character growth. He played innocent man very good. He knew his position over Ripploh and made deal with it. At the end, goodness always win.

This is an important part. Many gay theme movies didn't have a very good acting. Somehow, low budget film result low acting quality. That's why I praise this movie much.

The Explicit This the part "Taxi zum Klo" most memorable. Even up to now, I can't find match this movie erotic, hotness, and explicitness. The fellatio was great and the sex scene too. The S&M part really surprising me. At the first time, I never imagine that mainstream movie had bravery to shot sexual urination except in porn.

Well, because it's explicitness, many people said this one can be called as porn. I don't think so. Porn doesn't have what Taxi zum Klo have, but what Taxi zum Klo have, absolutely porn own ones.
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