An enjoyable movie, worth seeing - but there is a "been there, seen that" feel to it
11 November 2013
I finally saw The Lone Ranger. I saw it on a airline flight - so not the best venue, I agree. On the other hand, there's nothing like a captive audience.

It's not a bad movie at all. It's enjoyable to watch, and then quite forgettable afterward.

My issue with the movie is that it plays like Pirates of the Caribbean in the Old West. It's by the same people, so perhaps you would expect the humor and the over the top stunts to be the same, and if so you'd be right.

Well, when I say the same, I don't mean there is sword fighting on top of a giant wheel. But the big stunts could have been lifted from POTC, and the humor is played exactly the same. That in and of itself isn't bad, but it lends a "been there, seen that" feeling to the movie.

Depp's Tonto isn't exactly Captain Jack Sparrow, but I don't think you can argue that it's completely unlike him either. Depp is a good actor - I just think he lets his love of dress up and heavy makeup do his acting for him, sometimes. That's the same issue I had with his Barnabus Collins in Dark Shadows.

As a baseline, I loved the first POTC, the second one was "okay," I really didn't like the third one and never saw the fourth one. Also, I am a huge Lone Ranger fan - I am from the generation where the Lone Ranger was Clayton Moore and Tonto was Jay Silverheels. I got to meet Jay Silverheels one time as a very young lad, and it was a highlight of my single-digit years.

Having said that, I am willing to give someone else a chance behind the mask, and Armie isn't bad at all - although I don't entirely care for the wimpy characterization they started him off with. I know, I know, they did it to throw his heroic conversion into contrast.

I think the best explanation of the movie is one proposed by another poster - it's a story told years later to a little kid by Tonto, exaggerated to make Tonto's role in the whole thing bigger and over the top. I was surprisingly okay with that.

On the whole, not the best movie I have seen in a while, but better than almost any Michael Bay movie and worth seeing once.
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