Review of Reject

Reject (2013)
Fascinating and heartbreaking documentary
7 November 2013
An important film that outlines the role of rejection in our lives, "Reject" sheds light on a variety of societal issues that shows how we enable and even support rejecting those who are different, leaving them traumatized and prone to violence.

"Reject" isn't one of those movies that just blindly blames society for its own ills, but shows through scientific evidence and case study how a simple act leads to tragic outcomes leading up to and including acts of violence and suicide.

But it also shows how we potentially sabotage our students by ostracizing them as "behavior problems," and how sometimes the difference between success or failure with them is a teacher who can show them the proper amount of attention and give the proper guidance.

"Reject" is an eye-opening documentary that some may dismiss as bleeding heart blame-gaming, but those people should take a closer look.

"Reject" is a must-see documentary.
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