Its okay, if you watch it on mute :p
1 November 2013
Its okay "but" I have to watch it with the sound off, Charlie and his SCREAMING is just to "fake" and annoying...

I have seen, and worked with bosses like that before, and there business has went under, because no one would work for them, and take there crap...

I know its a put on to make TV "drama", but I cant stand his voice, or the fake screaming :(

I either mute it, or look at the start, and fast forward to the end, to see it done lol...........

But I have to say they do VERY good work, I was wondering who pays for all the stuff though?

Charlie makes it look, and sound like he does, But I know that's not the case..

I did hear him say other merchants paid for one build, but who foots the bill for the others?
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