Poirot: Curtain: Poirot's Last Case (2013)
Season 13, Episode 5
Meh is about the strongest emotion I felt after viewing this...
13 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the storyline and it worked quite well - to a point. The setting, however for me was really mundane and drab. The support cast besides Norton were uninteresting and their characters were not developed at all therefore leaving me with zero empathy for any of them. I would really have loved to have seen Ms Lemon and Jap in the final episode. They were sorely missed. Could they not have extended the episode by ten minutes and covered a memorial at least where we could have seen some emotion from them? Or at least give us, the viewer a chance to say adieu? There was little or no emotion and I actually felt at the end... "meh" I was astounded at how badly Poirot treated Hastings in this final episode! He treated him with the utmost contempt and was unnecessarily cruel towards him. Basically, I thought for a final episode, it missed a great opportunity to let us, the viewer feel saddened by the death of Poirot. Alas, I will miss the old Poirot....not the nasty mouthed bitter old man he turned into. I found myself feeling sorry for Hastings and peeved off with Poirot!
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