Harry's Game (1982)
Trades on the credible story from Gerald Seymour
16 November 2013
I read the Seymour novel in the eighties and really enjoyed it then. It was remarkably potent and pithy, with immensely satisfying characters, plot and subplots all so well developed. Finding a copy of the DVD of the miniseries was an opportunity too good to miss. It's great television, and actually gains from the lack of big names, and from the austerity of the production and performances. Credible portrayals in the vein of "the professionals", and even "edge of darkness". To their credit the actors all give a degree of subtle authenticity to their roles that's commendable, and combined with the great plot, HG makes for evocative if nostalgic viewing, especially for enthusiasts of the genre, period or subject matter. Not flashy, but rewarding.
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