A Big, Brimming Bucket Of B-Grade Blood!
17 November 2013
(Movie tag-line) - "Inside Every Artist Lurks.... A Madman!"

Now, here's a big bucket of ultra-cheap, 1950s, Horror that's so haywire, so laughable, and so bad that it's actually good (to the very last drop), that I think it quite rightfully deserves a 5-star rating for itself. Indeed!

This off-beat, black comedy tells the tale of how a bungling, frustrated and totally talentless busboy named Walter Paisley achieves his 15-minutes-of-fame and suddenly becomes what he's always dreamed of being - The New Darling of the Art World.

A Bucket Of Blood's story is set in the artsy-fartsy world of the 1950s Beatnik Culture where everything is just so cool and hip (ad nauseum). And reciting the most vacuous poetry imaginable is sure to win you raves of approval from all of the hep-cats and hep-gals without question.

While at home in his squalid flat, struggling hopelessly to create something worthwhile out of some clay, Paisley accidentally kills the landlady's cat that's gotten itself stuck in between the wall in his room.

Struck with the brainstorm of a dumb-bell, Paisley takes the cat, covers it with clay, and after seeing what a masterpiece he's "created", doesn't waste a minute to show it to all of his friends, passing it off as his own unique offering to the world of avant-garde art.

Naturally, all of the cool dudes (and dude-ettes) down at the Yellow Door Cafe are totally blown away by Paisley's new-found talent as a gifted sculptor.

But, of course, they want to see more.

And, so, now, in a freshly-ignited, murderous frenzy, Paisley obligingly delivers.

With its $50,000 budget and 5-day shooting schedule this "Roger Corman" quickie offers us a demented horror film with personality, where the shallowness of the Beatnik Generation (and the art world) is clearly mocked with a gleeful flair that cleverly melds itself into the very sarcastic roots of this picture.
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