Lilly Turner (1933)
This Lily has lost her bloom.
20 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This one's a real lu-lu, the tale of a hard-luck gal that depression era audiences ate up on the screen. Going from a bigamous marriage to one of convenience while traveling with a carnival, she gets a seedy reputation that obviously occurred through fate and deals with a psychopathic weight lifter obviously sexually obsessed with her. Then along comes George Brent as her possible savior from all of this melodrama. Happiness Ahead for Chatterton? Hell, no!

Chatterton is every inch the pre-code shady dame, originally part of a fairly respectable carnival, later totally monotone as she describes her former ugliness and what turned her into a lovely young woman. It should be mentioned too that Chatterton was far from the 20 something she claims to be here. Frank McHugh is the drunken second husband who ends up with a shocking fate. Robert Barrat is repulsive as the animalistic brute, a character that nightmares are made of.
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