The King of Queens: Black List (2005)
Season 7, Episode 16
Limited laughs, plot full of holes
21 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this yesterday. Sorry to say it seemed like one of the weaker efforts in this series.

There are basically two plots. The main one is about Deacon finding a new friend and ditching Doug and the gang for the new friend day after day. After seeing Deacon and his new friend, who is black like Deacon, from a distance, Spence convinces Doug that what Deacon wanted was a black friend he could better relate to. Doug winds up having several fantasies about Deacon and lots of black friends doing all sorts of things--singing with a church-like choir, having a big party, etc. and in each one, Doug tries to enter the group and join in their fun, but he is quickly shunned by all the blacks in the group. In one of them, Deacon tells him to leave, saying "You don't belong here," and more.

When Doug finally meets the guy, he sees someone who delivers for a different company, but who has hair and a physique almost matching Doug. He complains to Deacon that he wanted a "black Doug." Deacon insists Doug is wrong, and doesn't behave like in Doug's fantasy, but he never suggests that his new friend join Doug and him to go somewhere together, like you would expect.

The secondary plot is about Carrie and Holly happening to be together as Carrie stops at her regular manicure shop, where Carrie is stunned to learn that her favorite manicurist cannot work on her anymore. She is told that the woman is pregnant and cutting back, limiting herself to her most longstanding customers. Right after this, we learn, but Carrie doesn't, that that was just an excuse, the manicurist doesn't want to work on Carrie anymore.

When Holly gets treated by the manicurist, Carrie, of course, finds out and is most upset. She storms into the salon and confronts the woman who admits that she isn't pregnant, but just didn't want to work on Carrie because she was often late and she's mean. (Well, we never saw that coming.) Even though Carrie brought her gifts for her baby, she wants nothing to do with her anymore. Carrie storms out, saying there are plenty of places where she can get her nails done. Right after she leaves, the manicurist phones someone and, speaking in Korean, apparently tells friends at all these other shops about Carrie, and as Carrie moves down the street, she is shut out by all these other shops, refusing to do business with her. I guess it must be that all the manicure/pedicure shops in New York are staffed entirely by ladies of Korean ancestry. At least, that's what is depicted.

On this plot, it seemed odd to me that someone with such a part-time job as Holly does, who never normally has much money, would have money to get a manicure. Other than right before being part of a wedding party, or something similar, it's hard to believe Holly routinely gets manicures.

My problem with the Doug plot was how unnatural it seemed that Deacon would drop all activity with his regular friends to spend all his time with this other guy. Why in the world would he not, after a few activities with the new guy, try to introduce him to his other friends? I felt Doug's fantasies of being treated so poorly by Deacon's group of all-black friends to be rather disturbing.

Beyond that, there just weren't too many funny things happening. Not the worst episode, but not worth watching.
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