Balanced and sane look at insanity
26 November 2013
India is no stranger to religious violence, nor ban on films that seek intelligent introspection of those events. What makes it different this time, is that the leader behind the genocide is neither shadowy (like the grand old party) nor limited to a small region (like the Tiger). He is rather upfront about his actions, intentions, and frustrations. His diatribe is coated with brilliant oratory, his exhortations are served with a dash of sarcastic humor, and his pride at "cleansing" those who'd hurt the "MotherLand" is infectious. As he's proved with over two decades of elected mandate, and effortlessly crushing any opposition and opponents to his crusade, his force is not to trifle with.

The Final Solution by Rakesh Sharma, thankfully available in good quality on Youtube (for now), is also important at this point in history because we're on the verge of electing our new Prime Minister. Unfortunately, hate-mongers find it easier to exploit the polarization in society and gain ardent followers, rather than those who talk about peace and concessions. It is very easy to divert attention from the broken hull and instead claim that throwing a few people overboard will keep everyone afloat. By the time people realize it didn't work, and that everyone is drowning, it is too late. The shock value of Final Solution, to me, was not in how the administration perpetrated genocide; rather, it was in the honest, widespread and, indeed, CASUAL acknowledgment by the majority community: "Yes, we did it. So what? They had it coming...". Somehow, Modi's fiction has found its audience-- and not just in Gujarat. People are willing to suspend disbelief, and overlook obvious plot-holes, to live that dream where everything will be OK once the Muslims are eradicated.

The tales of human tragedy, the families split apart, the generations wiped out, the mutilated bodies are heart rending, yes. Even more is the way mobs attacked different parts of the state at the same time, in almost every case, accompanied by cops to make sure no one escapes. The few voices of dissent and sanity were killed, by questioning their patriotism or politics. Proved crimes, such as recorded speeches or fake encounters, were simply ignored till the public forgot.

The Final Solution is not a chest-beating apology for the minority. It is a gripping and honest record of what happened. At no point does it demonize Modi or his cronies. You draw your own conclusions from speeches they never deny making. That's when you feel that cold shudder down your spine.

He could be the PM one day. The dread sinks in that the parallels with another such brilliant and deadly figure in history is no exaggeration.
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