A movie this mixed up should not be this good, but it sort of is.
26 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is a really well made sort of new mash-up of a movie hidden in here. The cast are all into the story all the way, but there are huge gaps in the way they are trying to feel like an American movie, and the way that it just so isn't, if only they had picked a side. Everything on it's own almost works. Otherwise you are left with a waste of time, however every so often you are paid off with a really unique effect, or story twist, and there are just enough of those that make this work. I would say that if you like to watch campy vampire movies from the 60's, or you are a fan of those wrong Turn "freakshows"(someone out there must be) even if you just really liked the darkest moments of Hostle : Then you will Enjoy some part of this movie. Even if you are just someone looking for something different, that is sort of in there too.

Jesse of Jesse.ca
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