Clever, Funny Independent RomCom
29 November 2013
Filmed with the Red camera, this movie provides gorgeous shots of Los Angeles as the story unfolds. A great cast makes it work, since much of the movie is made up of internal dialog. But work it does. The annoying main character becomes heart-warming by the end, and I rooted for him to complete his transformation. You will too.

This low-budget movie should make you realize that Hollywood movies no longer have a monopoly on the film industry. I think in the years ahead, you'll see more independent films like this one, with name actors, professionally made, beautifully shot, and artistically realized. At least I hope so. I will throw up if I have to sit through one more Will Farrell or Adam Sandler "comedy." Thank you, Nathan Ives, for raising the bar for all indie movies. If you like romantic comedies, find this film and watch it for yourself. You'll be delighted.
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