Review of Bid America!

Bid America! (2012– )
More pointless than a Japanese game show
23 November 2013
This is a poorly conceived program. An antiques show where the antiques themselves receive just cursory attention. Each episode we hear from the show's narrator about the amazing collection going on sale yet we see almost none of it. We do get interviews with the people whose collections are being sold, which can be interesting. However, when those collectors are showing off a particular item for sale the camera focuses almost exclusively on him, not the item. Glimpses of the item in question are few, fleet, and shot in a shaky cam style that is extremely annoying.

Auction bid sequences take up a large chunk of each episode. However, the audio of these sequences is generally poor, the video is a cavalcade of random crowd faces, and it is often unclear which item is the subject of the bidding. The entire program is shot in the quick cut, shaky cam style best suited for the ADD sufferers in the audience. The depth of information about the items in the collection is very shallow. You will find Pawn Stars more informative than this show. While this program is carried by my local PBS station it was definitely produced with the cable reality networks in mind; there are commercial break teases, cutaways and rejoins without any actual commercials. My PBS station replaced the British version of Antiques Roadshow with this dreck. I'm sorely tempted to return my tote bag in protest.
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