Follow the Stars Home (2001 TV Movie)
Deeply touching and instructive
5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My wife says that she likes deeply touching and tragic films--and I do also. This movie was just that. The theme wasn't superficial or unrealistic. Rather, it touches the heart for probably most viewers could imagine being in such a situation.

Now, a few comments on the contents. First, the movie shows that true love is to be sacrificial. We sacrifice our own wants and wishes and expectations for the benefit of the beloved. This is just what the mother in the movie did. It is a lesson for us.

Second, I found part of the movie to be unrealistic. The mother had the full support of her mother (who even quit her job for the disabled granddaughter). The mother didn't need to work for she stayed home all day with her handicapped child. They lived in a huge house by the beach. I doubt that this would describe more than 1% of mothers of such children.

Third, this was a reminder that only God can give life--and only He has the right to take life. No mere mortal has the option of killing one's baby--whether probing or after birth.

Fourth, since I believe in Biblical morality, I must object to the mother's remarriage. Scripture says that if one divorces her husband on grounds other than his unrepentant adultery, she herself enters an adulterous relationship. As kind, loving, and responsible as the doctor-brother was, there should have been no new marriage.

All in all, we found the movie very touching and a reminder that life is not always pleasant, peaceful, and plenteous. No, tragedy does come and we need to trust God in the most trying of circumstances. I'm glad for the mother's choice to keep her sweet little baby.
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