Carry on Cleo (1964)
Peplum, Carry On style
7 December 2013
In 1963 the film almost broke 20th Century Fox was released and Cleopatra set a standard by which all other peplum films were done. On not quite the budget that Cleopatra had, Carry On Cleo benefited from all the hoopla and publicity that the mammoth Cleopatra enjoyed.

The Carry On gang are in their best form in this film which is a wonderful spoof of all the sand and scandal films were becoming popular starting with Quo Vadis in 1951. The story of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and Cleopatra was never quite told like this.

It starts with Caesar's expedition to Britain and him bringing back some captives like Jim Dale and Kenneth Connor. Dale is a heroic sort and Connor is a henpecked husband who spends time inventing things like square wheels, the better that carts not roll down backward on a hill.

The rest of the film concerns the adventures that Connor and Dale have the mistake made by none other Julius Caesar and Mark Antony thinking that Connor was the warrior type after Dale saves Caesar. Just a whole lot of people trying to do him in. Including in this version Mark Antony played by Sid James.

You'll never see a Julius Caesar quite like this one. Kenneth Williams plays a henpecked husband himself married to Joan Sims and when Antony tells him an alliance can be made with Cleopatra he's hot to trot. Anything to get away from Calpurnia. Now we know why he went on those long expeditions of conquest.

As for Cleo she's beautiful and quite empty headed and played by Amanda Barrie.

Funniest moment for me when Sid James bites the head off an asp after Cleo tells him its poisonous. It sure doesn't taste good.

The Carry On ensemble in great form for Carry On Cleo.
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