Who's got the toy chicken?
10 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Henry Sharp's 'The Night Of The Feathered Fury' saw the return of portly Victor Buono as man of magic 'Count Manzeppi', last seen in 'The Night Of The Eccentrics'. This time round, he is after a toy chicken which contains the Philosopher's Stone and can alchemise base metal into solid gold. A girl in his employ - 'Gerda Sharff' ( Michele Carey ) - has absconded with it. Manzeppi no longer has his 'Eccentrics' ( they're not even mentioned ), but three killers in the shape of 'Luther' ( George Murdoch ), who uses a paddle-ball as a weapon, the well-dressed 'Dodo', and 'Benji', a Chinaman equipped with a scythe. The Count also has a pet monkey called Loki who is adept at hurling smoke bombs. The only lead Jim and Arte have is toy manufacturer 'Heinrich Sharff', Gerda's uncle. But the Count is laying in wait for them...

For some reason, I found this a disappointing instalment. The pacing was off in a few scenes, such as Manzeppi confronting Jim and Arte aboard the Wanderer. Some back-story for the toy chicken would have been welcome. I loved the food plate being removed to reveal a hand holding a gun though! Michele Carey later provided the husky voice of 'E.F.F.I.E.' the computer in Conrad's 'A Man Called Sloane'. Despite the open-ended climax, Count Manzeppi failed to return for the expected rematch.
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