A Dad for Christmas (2006 TV Movie)
Matthew and Luke
11 December 2013
Unable to find a job, handsome young Kristopher Turner (as Matthew "Matt" Blessing) is nonetheless happily planning to be a father. However, blonde girlfriend Emma Taylor-Isherwood (as Megan Eubanks) declines his marriage proposals and intends to put their baby up for adoption. Faced with losing his child, Mr. Turner decides to take matters into his own hands. In real life, Turner's character would be swiftly hunted down and throw in prison for doing what he contemplates in this film. This story take a fantastical different track. It's more inspirational than accurate. Obviously, the world would be better if more prospective fathers were like the one covered here; this is the film's thesis, and it's a good one...

"A Dad for Christmas" is based on the young adult novel "Me and Luke" (1987), by Audrey O'Hearn. The adaptation, by Alan Hines, is very well done. He and director Eleanor Lindo take a distinct character and make him suitable for a TV Movie screen – and for the lead actor, who is believable despite being older and more instantly employable than the scruffy 17-year-old in the book. Lucky to have a good production team, Turner is consistently sincere. Led by a lovely late-career role for Louise Fletcher (as Glennie), the supporting cast does well. This may not be how events often happen in reality, but it's how they could. Babies should start lives with fathers who want them as much as we see here.

****** A Dad for Christmas (12/3/06) Eleanor Lindo ~ Kristopher Turner, Louise Fletcher, Jack Shepherd, Lindsay Ames
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