Review of Driv3r

Driv3r (2004 Video Game)
I don't know if I have some kind of alien mind or what, but I love this game!
13 December 2013
I love this game! And I still play it from time to time, after almost 10 years! Crazy, right? Maybe. I am aware of why people criticize this game. Poor on-foot controls, lack of polish, bad enemy AI, missions that are "too" difficult, and the game not feeling like it's finished. But, here are the reasons why I bare with it anyway. The on-foot, while certainly not feeling as smooth as it could, still works. I love running from side to side to shoot the enemy, and it works great for that. I love fps shooters! You get used to the roughness of it after awhile. The driving is also loads of fun. The feeling of the car is amazing, and sliding into turns is just so much fun! The police chases are also really exciting. The AI. It works! They do their job of trying to kill you fairly well, and can at least evade your shots a little bit. They act more like weak terminators than humans, but they still get the job done. They are fun to kill. Also, this game pretty much feels finished, to me. In a sense that, they added in everything that needed to be added, and it's fun. But, polish wise, definitely not. They could have used at least another few months polishing it. But, no! Atari needed it released right away! Oh, and if you think the missions are too tough, quit being a baby! Toughen up yourself! It is so satisfying when you finally beat a mission. Depending on what kind of a person you are, though, you might not want to do it again. It is not that hard, though. At least not to me. Also, while this game does have loads of bugs, they don't seem to get in the way of actual game-play all that much. Most of the time, nothing really bad happens. For example, falling through the floor in free roam, and having to start over. That is about as bad as it gets, and it rarely happens, depending on what you are doing. So, there you have it. I love this game! Maybe on technical terms (polish, smoothness, graphics) this game deserves what IGN gave it, a 5.4. But, based fun and how much I enjoy it, it deserves a 10 in my book.
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