Once Upon a Time: Going Home (2013)
Season 3, Episode 11
After almost 3 ½ seasons, Once Upon A Time decides it is time to hit the reset button, but not before creating an episode which damn near feels like a series finale.
15 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For perhaps the first time, maybe ever, Once Upon a Time had a rather well written, and performed, episode. Though, admittedly, I still have qualms over the Snow, Charming and Emma characters, even they did well as we watched the episode play out so well that it could have easily been a series finale, if you took out the cliff hanger. So, with that said, let's speak on the episode.

To begin, Peter Pan becomes the formidable villain he once was, even as it seems Rumple and crew are making a comeback. He puts together all things needed for the curse and sacrifices poor Felix as the person who contains the heart he is closest to and, with this, the curse begins. However, naturally, our heroes fight against Pan's doing and find a way to stop him, but all this comes at a price.

Leading me to speak on one of the oddest things about this episode: everyone getting an emotional reaction. As probably known by those who have seen my past reviews of the series, I really am not fond of Snow, Charming and their daughter Emma. But, as defeat looms over their heads, we get the first, of many, parent/ child moments which really pull at your heart strings. For Emma and Snow, they share slight regrets when it comes to their decisions to give up their child, but knowing that ultimately it was for the best.

But then we have Regina and Mr. Gold who, as usual, steal the show. Starting with Regina, we see in her a woman who has sacrificed everything, and while she may have found Henry as the one person who sees her as redeemable, as Mr. Gold notes, villains don't get happy endings. So, in order to fight off Pan's incoming curse, and save Henry in the process, she has to let go the one thing she has of worth. Remember, her mother is dead, she killed her father, and the few people she loved, or really liked, outside of them are gone. Henry was all that was left and in order to save him, she had to break her own curse and return everyone to the Enchanted Forest, sans Henry since he wasn't born in their world. So, with heavy heart, she gives the reigns of being mother to Emma, and though Regina won't be remembered, though she may remember Henry, she at least makes it so the last 11 years are of bliss with his birth mother, making for a truly touching end, at least for now.

But, while Regina's ending seems like it may be temporary, the same can't fully be said for Mr. Gold. I mentioned last episode about the show killing off characters, and in this episode they do kill off Peter Pan's shadow, and revive the Blue Fairy in the process, but when it comes to Pan's defeat there are issues. To begin on that tale we must talk about the history between Pan and Rumple, and even bring Baelfire into it. As we know, no man in that family had a reliable father, and in the moments leading to Rumple and Pan's final battle, it seems Rumple just wanted some type of regret out of his father, but alas there was nothing but a bitter man who saw his child as nothing more than a ball and chain. A man who would sooner kill his grandson, to hurt his own kid, than be any semblance of a man. Making him becoming a boy more fitting than ever. However, Rumple finds that truly the prophecy is right. The boy will be his undoing and though this has been aimed at Henry, it seems the boy his father is/was is what does him in. For, Pan is ready to kill all the lead characters, Baelfire being first, and Rumple shows up with the dark one's dagger and pierces through his father's back, while in a embrace, and pierces himself as well. The former coward shows he has heart and the courage to give up everything, as Snow and Charming did, so that his child could have a chance at hope and happiness. Now, will Rumple appear in the 2nd half or is that Carlyle's real exit, it is hard to tell. Either way, the tears were just rolling.

Making so, overall, this is undoubtedly the best episode of the series. Not just because it seemed so on point with emotional reaction, as well as good use of characters, but because it feels like a series finale. All plots are done for Storybrooke so when things start anew in the 2nd half, set a year later, we should have a possibly fresh series. My only question is will they have it where we will be split between New York and the Enchanted Forest? Who is the villain to replace Pan? Being that Hook, I believe, was from Europe, how in the world is he alive and seemingly still crossing realms to warn Emma of whatever is happening in the Enchanted Forest? In a few months, hopefully we'll have some answers.
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