Some Boring Piece of Rubbish
21 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was rubbish. There was very little plot and almost no point. I am prejudice in one way, and that is boring rubbish should not be released. Anyway, this movie seemed little more that a scientific spiel about the new age of atomic energy and rockets, a press conference where a robot was displayed and a pointless action sequence at the end which I slept through. All I remember is the kid crying out "I love you Tobor!" which is pathetic.

There are some interesting themes raised in the movie, but the movie itself destroyed them. The major one is the entrance to the atomic age -- an age of new discovery. We now have the power to go into space and to survive there, but one of the serious situations that are raised is how should we test it out. The debate is over sending men into space and whether that is morale or not. Thus a scientist creates a robot to go into space to check it out.

What we have is the headlong rush into a new era where all of the new technology that the war gave us, atomic energy and rocketry, is being put to use. We create the jet fighter and the nuclear powered submarine. But space is still unconquered (and it still is) so we are questioning how we should go about conquering it. The movie puts forward the idea that a robot could do the job, but it is science fiction and the technology put forward by it did not exist at the time. Now we have the technology, and have had it for some time, to send probes deep into space, now all we need is to find water on the moon and that planet becomes ours as well.
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