Gilligan's Island: Don't Bug the Mosquitoes (1965)
Season 2, Episode 12
Get Us Off the Island. Yea! Yea! Yea!
23 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Mosquitoes, the most popular rock band right now (back then) decide to get some R & R on a deserted island that just happens to have Gilligan 'n crew.

An excellent send-up of The Beatles, the British rock invasion and the youth culture, this episode hits on all cylinders.

Highlights include Gilligan jamming out to the songs while the Skipper gets more and more furious, Mr. Howell's almost sliding entrance when first seeing The Mosquitoes, in fact, all of Mr. Howell's reactions to the Mosquitoes are priceless, the girls reaction to first seeing the band and Mrs. Howell trying to give them haircuts, the initial concert with Mary Ann and Gilligan nearly freaking out, the conga line the castaways form when thinking they are going home the next day, the Skipper ranting about having to be put in an isolation ward, the absolutely horrible singing group formed by the men and the absolutely wonderful group formed by the girls, Mr. Howell's Ed Sullivan impersonation as he introduces the Honeybees, and the epilogue scene that pretty much wraps up the show.

While this episode stretches reality even further in some ways than far out episodes like, "Smile, You're on Mars Camera", it really works. The band itself is a thinly veiled reference to The Beatles, even down to the head-shaking and the songs are actually pretty good. There are lots of big laughs and many little comedy bits which will make you smile. This is arguably the best Gilligan's Island episode ever.

Tidbits & Trivia

  • This episode starts during the daytime and NOT at the lagoon, which is a real change of pace.

  • Even Mr. Howell knows who The Mosquitoes are? Shoot, they must be huge.

  • We are suppose to believe that the tiny helicopter carried all four band members, equipment and luggage to the island...really? Well, I suppose if I can buy that they are playing their guitars without any electricity, amps or speakers....

  • If the Mosquitoes are only a recent phenomenon, then how can Gilligan possibly have all their albums? - Apparently, Irving is in the band for his looks because his bass playing ability is not exactly setting the world on fire.

  • While being on the island another month may seem torturous, considering how long our castaways have already been on the island...

  • While noise-making plan makes some sense, wouldn't it just be easier to find the transmitter they must have about?

  • One of the Mosquitoes wears a hairnet to bed while the drummer has a great nightshirt. Irving it appears has no change of clothes and while he apparently doesn't talk, we do hear him scream as he is fleeing from Mrs. Howell.

  • With the wig on, Bob Denver is a near-dead ringer for Ringo Starr.

  • The name of the male "singing" group is "The Gnats".

  • The Honeybees are really exceptional and even Mrs. Howell is strangely delightful and actually gets a rare close up.

  • The final resolution in the epilogue is a rather cruel turn by the'd think that they or perhaps the helicopter pilot would tell someone at some point about the castaways....
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