Kids, wake up!
24 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It still amazes me how successful this broad has become. Let's face it, his talent is very limited. His voice is very common and all his songs suck. He has no charisma and he knows it. So what does he do? He tries to cover up by putting up a pretty boy front which has fooled the prepubescent community. His popularity is gradually diminishing as his prepubescent fans grow up and realize how silly they were. I wonder, when Bieber's time under the spotlight is up, would his name echo in eternity and make the history books? Will people be talking about him in the same breath as Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley? Absolutely not. He did not revolutionize singing or dancing in any way. Bieber is a waste of time, we should brush him aside and pave the way for more talented artists so we can be spoiled by the MJs and Elvises again. Kids, please don't waste your parents money on his concert tickets, albums or any Bieber merchandise. Don't you think it's ridiculous that talentless broads like Bieber can enjoy the same fame and success as those legends that I mentioned earlier? Please stop being the catalyst behind the death of good music.
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