Dragnet: The Big False Make (1954)
Season 3, Episode 39
A rather sad case.
24 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Following a robbery, a guy matching the description is apprehended. Friday is puzzled that instead of denying the crime, the guy seems happy he was caught and does everything he can to incriminate himself. This is especially puzzling since some of the details the man gives are wrong--making him doubt that the man is guilty of anything other than making a false police report. Eventually, it's clearly determined he couldn't have admitted the crime and the man is simply mentally ill. Ultimately, the real perpetrator, a man very similar looking to the ill man, is captured.

This is an awfully sad story. You really feel sorry for the guy and it's obvious he needs help. Fortuantely, it ends well. If you do watch it, look for Frances Bavier in her pre-"Andy Griffith Show" days.
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