Last Love (2013)
Spoilers about the ending
24 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK, Michael Caine is great in anything. He's one of the true actors with real talent who's still working. Clemency Poesy is good, but beside this film, the only other movies I saw her in were the Harry Potter movies, so it was a pleasant surprise that she can act as well as look pretty. The movie was fun, charming, rather predictable at times.

However, they ruined the last 15 minutes or so when - out of nowhere - in the hotel hallway, after leaving Miles' room, Pauline stop, turns, and runs into his arms and passionately kisses him. I was sitting there thinking "She's kissing him, why?" It's like there must have been a scene that was deleted in between when she left Michael Caine at the house and when she met Miles at the hotel. That part just seemed thoroughly disjointed. My biggest problem with the movie was Michael Caine committing suicide. He tells Miles to tell Pauline he has everything figured out, and then he's dead. He didn't have things figured out. People who commit suicide don't have things figured out, the problems in life overwhelm them, and that's why they kill themselves.

He told his son that he was never into marriage for the long-haul earlier in the movie. If Mr. Morgan really cared about Pauline, he should have stuck around for her, because if he was right about his son, he had to know the relationship between her and Miles would fall apart. When that happens, she'll have absolutely nobody. And did anybody else think Miles looked like a young Harry Connick, Jr.? The acting was great, but that last 15 minutes needed to be re-worked so it wasn't so...disappointing. I gave it a seven. Had they ended it right, I'd have given it a 9 or a 10.
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