Bonanza: The Saga of Annie O'Toole (1959)
Season 1, Episode 7
There's silver in that kitchen!
2 January 2014
This is the first comical episode of Bonanza. It's not my favorite funny one indeed, but it's definitely a good relief from some of the heavier episodes. It concentrates on an Irish (?) woman who goes to Virginia City to search for treasure. Her father dies in route and she decides to open a kitchen on his plot while searching for silver.

Now, I get a little confused on how it all happened, but Adam becomes her partner (though he didn't really want to be), and Ben seems to be some sort of governor over the mine. Before all is said and done, there's quite a fight over one of the plots; and though O'Toole seems to be in the wrong, she thinks she's right.

Adam is the main Cartwright in this one, but all the characters are involved in this episode.

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