Surprisingly Good - NOT a zombie movie
3 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Extinction is a stylish European movie with more in common with Resident Evil than Night of the Living Dead. If you watch this expecting a "zombie" movie, apparently you'll be disappointed, swear, & spew garbage about the actors' accents. :) This is actually a witty, stylish flick about an apocalyptic event that causes humans to mutate into zombie-like creatures. If you're a zombie addict, you'll see bits of 28 Days Later, Diary of the Dead, and the above-mentioned Resident Evil - along with the countless retreads. The acting is surprisingly good. The accent thing is a non-controversy. The people are from different areas of the world. They speak English with accents. The End.

The plot evolves nicely. I was reminded of The Walking Dead at times, as the survivors try to make a home in an abandoned military base. The weakest aspect is the infected. Makeup is terrible and while the creatures are clearly not classic zombies, they seem to have gotten different direction on how to act. Some shamble, the majority run like hell, and for some (admittedly laughable) reason, the favored way to kill them seems to be to slice them on the back repeatedly. Regardless, I think zombie-philes and folks who like B-movie horror will eat this up...it's on Netflix right now. Give it a try & tell me what you think.
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