Middling Early Crawford Work
3 January 2014
Third entry in Joan Crawford's flapper trilogy. The story is about three department store workers and roommates who are out to land husbands, preferably rich ones. Joan plays Jerry, Anita Paige is Connie, and Dorothy Sebastian is Franky. Jerry is the most level-headed of the three while the other two are complete idiots. Franky falls for a guy because he throws money around. Connie falls for a guy who plays the love card pretty liberally but won't propose. This is basically one of those "men will say whatever to get laid" stories. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. I suppose at the time it was sort of a cautionary tale for working girls that he won't buy the cow if the milk is free. It's all watchable enough but forgettable. Robert Montgomery has an early unimpressive role as Jerry's love interest.
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