Laugh out loud funny!
9 January 2014
There are two types of rom-coms. There's the fluffy, cheesy kind of rom- com where opposites attract or an unusual couple are brought together and then there's the other type that actually explores the rules of attraction a little bit more. This film, for me, firmly falls in the latter category.

As the story goes a young couple get married and soon realise that maybe their relationship isn't as perfect as they thought it would be. And the story wraps up well, it has some good laughs and some memorable sort of moments. Stephen Merchant is also brilliant in this as the awkward best man, Danny. A lot of what he says sounds almost like a stand-up routine, so whether this was written in the script or whether this was improvised/additionally written by Merchant himself isn't clear. But what is clear is that he is brilliantly funny, although having said that he may be a little too awkward for some people.

As another reviewer said a lot of the humour is rude - but, as this reviewer also said, this is common place now for modern films. There is a particularly hilarious scene where the husband(play by Rafe Spall, son of Timothy) goes to desperate lengths to stop his in-laws from seeing some naked photos of him and his wife. Very funny and also it's the kind of thing that you could imagine happening in your in-law's cosy sitting room.

I must admit that I found both the lead characters a little annoying, almost to the point of being unlikeable. The wife is cold and highly strung a lot of the time, and while this is of course her character, I found it hard to actually root for her - even in some of the more emotional scenes that she was. As for the husband, well, he was the more bearable of the two although there were times when his immaturity bordered on idiotic - although in retrospect that was probably the writer's intention.

Awkward social humour is very popular now in both TV and film but it is used to brilliant effect at times here. The scene where Spall is describing "Dr Quinn Medicine Woman" is hilarious at first but sadly borders the line on going a little too 'OTT'.

With all this being said I enjoyed "I give it a year" and found myself really laughing at some of the scenes. Particularly Merchant's scenes, who does play an over the top version of himself. Olivia Coleman also has a funny cameo as a crazy marriage guidance counsellor.

Normally when watching a comedy I'll chuckle here and there, but not as noticeable as I did while watching this. While the story isn't all that new at times the directions they go with it are different.
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