Home Improvement: Howard's End (1993)
Season 2, Episode 14
Adventures in Fishsitting.
9 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Tim and Jill come home from the grocery store, bickering about Tim's driving and how he wanted to race a guy in the parking lot. Nice display of responsibility there, guys, and speaking of responsibility, Jennifer is trusting Brad to babysit her goldfish Howard while she's away. Gee, I hope nothing goes wrong, considering all the trust Jennifer instills in young Bradley. Nothing stronger than the trust between friends, except the trust between husband and wife, right? Well, Tim and Jill's trust may be put to the test when Tim discovers his wife opened her own checking account behind his back. Not such a big deal in my eyes, there's no rule that says husbands and wives can't have their own separate bank accounts. In fact, that might save them a lot of trouble should one decide to spend a little more than their share. Anyway, back to Howard the fish. Guess what? He's dead. Three minutes on the job and Brad blew it. Apparently he put Howard's bowl just a little too close to his desk lamp. Now what? Randy suggests they go get a replacement goldfish. Jennifer won't know the difference. So Brad stuffs Howard in his pocket, they hide the bowl and book it to the pet shop. Meanwhile, Tim and Jill get into another round of "what's mine is yours and what's mine is mine." This time, as Tim is putting new shocks on the Nomad, he mentions to Mark how the car is technically his, because he paid for it. As luck would have it, Jill walked in right at that moment. She asks Tim if this means the house is his too, and when he answers truthfully, he gets a laundry basket dumped on his head.

What a couple of children! Jill carries on and ON about what is perceived to be hers and what is perceived to be his. She chucks coasters at him for no reason, other than they were her's. Meanwhile, Brad and Randy return from the pet shop with no luck. Surprisingly, Howard was the most unique looking goldfish in all of Detroit. So what now? Admit defeat? Nope, Randy always has a back-up plan. This one involves sticking a tiny ball bearing in Howard's mouth to weigh him down. So while they go to do that, Tim gets to have a few words with Wilson. See, in Tim's mind, he and Jill share and share alike, what's his is their's, etc., but he feels he owns everything. Like Tim Allen himself once said, "men are pigs. Too bad we own everything." Wilson points out that it seems Tim wants to feel like he's in control. There's food for thought. On Tool Time, Tim demonstrates how to use a big-ass floor sander. He tweaked it up to 4200 rpm, because... he's Tim. Well, no sooner does he press the start button does the sander bore through the wood floor and shorts out. He did this to prove a point (several), that he's no more valuable than Al, despite what he thinks, and that there is no difference between Al's tools and his, except there is: at the end of the job, Al's tools still work. So, how did Randy's ball bearing idea work? It rendered poor dead Howard suspended in a vertical stance. Soon after, Jennifer stops by to pick him up, and at Jill's insistence, Brad had to come clean about what happened. Thankfully Randy had his back or else he wouldn't have known what to say. Sure, Jennifer was sad about Howard's passing, but it touched her to know Brad always had her feelings on his mind. As for Tim and Jill, as a gesture of peace, he tallies up all the dues he "owes" Jill, totaling over $500,000,000, adjusted for tax, but he's allowed to work it off...in sexual favors. As for Jill, her compromise is to change the names on her checks to Mr. and Mrs. Jill Taylor. Then they discuss what new designs they should get for their old checking account. They agree on a bunny passing a kidney stone. Now there's a lovely image.

This episode was very amusing, and I think we all expected going in that something bad was going to happen to Jennifer's fish. Thank goodness she didn't trust him with a puppy. As for the whole checking account debacle, I stand by what I said about husbands and wives having separate accounts. It would cut down on spending disagreements, and if one's account is low, the other spouse would have their back. Separate bank accounts, separate credit cards. Sure, I believe in sharing, but at the same time, a person sometimes just needs something all to themselves. So anyway, Howard's End was a funny episode, I recommend checking it out.
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