Smoke Screen (2010 TV Movie)
Lifetime, need I say more
10 January 2014
"Smoke Screen" is a Lifetime TV movie from 2010 starring Jaime Pressly, Currie Graham, Garwin Sanford, and Larissa Laskin. Writing that it's a Lifetime movie and then adding it was made in Canada is redundant, but there you go.

Pressly is Britt Shelley, a beautiful blond news reporter. One morning she wakes up and there's a dead man in bed with her. Naturally the police suspect her immediately, and poor Britt can't remember a thing past a certain point. She's positive she was slipped a date rape drug. She explains to the police detectives that a man who was involved in a fire she covered five years ago, Jay (Martin Cummins) wanted to speak with her. They meet at a restaurant; he has something important to tell her. After that, she's clueless until she wakes up next to his dead body.

A city firefighter whose career was ruined by Britt due to the incident five years earlier, Raley (Currie Graham) kidnaps her and takes her to his cabin. Raley points out that he was set up the exact same way as Britt: he woke up with a woman in his bed, and the last thing he remembered was her offering him a drink at a party. The two investigate and realize the two cases are connected, and that someone is out to get Britt.

This film didn't hold together all that well, and I figured out whodunit pretty soon after it started. It's a little slow, the romance seemed implausible, and Currie Graham was a distraction because he reminded me so much of Kevin Spacey. I actually thought there were too many characters and different parts of the original crime didn't come together well; if it had been directed better, we could have seen the plots gel more succinctly, but as it was, it was all over the place.

Jaime Pressly did an okay job; she looks like your ideal soap opera actress, and the rest of the acting was passable. Just an okay film. Writing okay and Lifetime movie is redundant. But there you go.
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