Fairly Predictable but Enjoyable
11 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie on video the year it came out, but I still remember it. In most ways, it followed a fairly typical story arc. The lead character, Percy Doolittle, is an ubernerd who spends most of his time playing with his Wang (yes, that was a brand of computer back in the day) in order to figure out ways to beat the house at Blackjack. Somehow, he's managed to get a girl interested in him despite the fact that he's apparently oblivious to her interest. She's girl-next-door pretty and it should be obvious they are meant to be together. He goes off to Las Vegas to try out his system for winning at Blackjack (basically, he can predict a hot streak and then tell when to quit). At first, he does quite well, in the process attracting two small time crooks who home that by being friendly with him, he'll bail them out of a financial jam as well as an exotic beauty named Regina. His fortunes rising, he gets a makeover (though at least this only raises him to a bit above average in looks, unlike when this happens with women in movies and they turn out to be stunning with their glasses off and hair down.) Shortly thereafter, Amanda shows up to find Regina wrapped around Percy and she leaves heartbroken. As you might expect, all these distractions throw Percy off his game and he soon starts losing. Eventually, he winds up broke and is quickly abandoned by all the pretty girls and retreats to his room in shame. There he finds Amanda who is hiding under the sheets and declares her love for him (body and mind!) and he gets his second wind. Amanda has some money of her own and Percy (along with the two hoods, who have no other option than to keep hoping on him) makes another go at winning. The story does wind up with a happy ending, though it takes a small twist to get it. I did enjoy the movie, mostly because I thought Percy was a realistic character (though Amanda's interest in him was not). The other thing that sticks in my mind is the songs - I still remember some of them 25 years later, so there must have been something there, though they would have been generic 80's movie songs. I wouldn't suggest anybody go and hunt this down, but if it's on, you could do worse than to watch Percy talk about his Wang to unsuspecting gamblers in Las Vegas.
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