Review of Really Me

Really Me (2011–2013)
Ripoff of iCarly
7 January 2014
This show is pretty much trying to copy the success of that other show for tween girls iCarly. I'm not a fan of that show either at all but in terms of the quality of a TV show iCarly is much better than Really Me. Basically Really Me had about the same level of acting, namely not great acting but for a show like this with basically just kids in it what level of acting can you actually expect? Actually to be honest I thought the kids/actors/characters in Really Me were less annoying than the ones on iCarly, who make me want to pull my own hair and scream every time they painfully deliver a line of dialogue. But the show is a lot cheaper and the main problem is that the stories are super old rehashes of the same stories we've all seen before over the years, just like iCarly, but the writing and jokes are even worse than what iCarly has to offer, which is hart to believe. Do yourself a favour and skip this show, it is terrible.
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