This takes the cake!
8 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Off the wall Perry Mason, Raymond Burr, episode has to do with a double murder where the murder victim secretary Lita Krail, Kathleen Hughes, is first murdered and then some half hour later murdered again after she's already dead! It turned out that her murderer wanted to make sure that not only is Lita dead but the second time around that he murdered her and wanted to be caught red handed to prove in a court of law that he in fact did it! Believe it or not!

This insane action was also done in proving that Lita's killer also embezzled from his company, that he worked for 20 years, of $201,000.00 in order to accomplish his what seemed like his mission in life: To pull off the perfect crime. That after he purposely lets himself get caught by the police.

It bothered Lita's murder that it was another person the innocent as the morning snow Beth Sandover, Virginia Christione, who was indited for his crime that made him go completely nuts. So nuts that at her trial he makes a complete spectacle of himself in not quite knowing how to convince the jury as well as Mrs. Sanderover's defense attorney Perry Mason that he not her committed the crime. You just felt sorry for the guy in that the things in life that he so desperately wanted to accomplish, embezzlement & murder, and get caught in doing it he despite leaving all the clues to convict him couldn't get himself arrested!

Perry Mason who had trouble keeping a straight face during the entire episode did in fact exposed Lita's killer, as well as his former bosses murder, in just not really doing anything but letting her killer do all the talking and expose himself for the murderous psycho that he is. That took some time in that the guy was so completely insane that it's a wonder that any jury on earth would have for one minute believed him. In the end he was given the sentence that he so rightfully deserved a stay at the local mental institution for the criminally insane where he could spend all his time writing the great American Novel about the so-called perfect crime that he committed. A crime that got him committed for the rest of his natural life!
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