This fun supernatural horror has received some really scathing reviews here on IMDb—undeservedly so in my opinion
14 January 2014
When David Gaze (Mark Hembrow) falls asleep his spirit leaves his body to go on astral jaunts around town during which he witnesses a series of murders.

Australian B-movie/exploitation director Brian Trenchard-Smith might not be a true cinematic auteur, but I've never been disappointed by his work as far as pure entertainment goes. Out of the Body is admittedly a very silly effort, and one that careens wildly out of control in its final act, but it certainly isn't boring, and as far as I am concerned that is more than half the battle won.

With numerous supernatural murders, a sex scene that turns into a nightmare, the brutal slaying of an innocent pet cat, a possessed car, and an outrageously over-the-top performance from its star, quite how anyone can feel short-changed by this film is completely beyond my comprehension. Trenchard's direction isn't without style either, the out of body sequences making great use of strong coloured lighting and smooth POV camera-work.

In fact, the film is worth a watch just to witness Gaze waking from one of his nightmarish astral journeys to find himself throttling the cat—it's absolutely hilarious!
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