Excellent Introduction to BigFoot…!
14 January 2014
So you're curious about BigFoot? And you tire easily of BigFoot dogma, hoaxes, silly hillbillies running through the swamp (well, u might see some of that) and want real science to boot?

Then SpikeTV's "10 Million Dollar BigFoot Bounty" is a show you'll enjoy…indeed, you might even see some evidence and you might learn something if you aren't careful.

BigFoot Bounty is the first show to put their money where their mouth is. With two well- renown scientists on the show, along with a former Superman (with an Ivy League degree no less!) and a varied, intriguing cast from all different backgrounds, this show's weekly adventures will have the teams collecting real DNA, "Gold-Standard" evidence and maybe, just maybe, proof that 5000+ years of anecdotal and legendary evidence is true.

Family-friendly, real challenges and some personal inter-drama to boot? It beats the heck out of watching big, rich dudes in a swamp and you might find yourself wishing you had the same passion in your own life as exemplified by the show's contestants.

Spike's 10 Million Dollar BigFoot Bounty is well worth the watch. Does BigFoot **Live?** Tune-in to find out!
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