Suburban Sasquatch (2004 Video)
A fresh take on the legendary Sasquatch
17 January 2014
Yes, he is now menacing the suburbs. Although it is unclear whether it's the regular Sasquatch who has decided to focus on suburban areas or if it's an entirely new subspecies of Sasquatch that resides mainly in suburban areas.

In any event, this Sasquatch is not to be messed with as he has the power to regenerate and can flip drawings of cars into the air and far off screen.

This is a great film with some awesome special effects and a cast of future stars. The direction is confident and the editing really gives the action scenes the relentless rhythm that reminds me of the movie 'Aliens'.

Looking forward to a sequel, presumably one that takes it up a notch and is called 'Urban Sasquatch'. Maybe they could even get the director of 'Birdemic' to cooperate on the project and have Sasquatch fight birds on top of the Empire State. Anything is possible with a talented team of special effects experts.

Joking aside, even 'Suburban Sasquatch' never descends to the depths of 'Birdemic'. It's a home-made flick with a miniature budget. It has its funny moments, but to be fair, as most other similar films it is mostly awful. That doesn't stop me from giving it ten stars, though.
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