Attila (2013)
Crapila is a much more fitting title...
17 January 2014
Attila from the get go was always going to be a movie to not take seriously, and despite The Asylum having a mostly terrible track record Attila also deserved a fair chance. If the execution was at least passable it could have been fun. Unfortunately Attila was too inept that it was not easy at all to enjoy it, one of those movies where you have to look long and heard to detect a redeeming value. Attila is a low-budget movie but also an example of one where visually no real effort seems to have been made. It is very choppily edited and the special effects look rushed and look 10-15 years at least out of date. The music is too obtrusive, is not sympathetic to what's happening and it sounds generic too, while the sound is on the muddied side. When the music wasn't drowning out the dialogue, it was really painful to hear how mind-numbingly, inanely corny it sounded and also how it makes no attempt to develop the characters or make the story or the goings on understandable. The story was a ridiculous one to start with but it is told so messily that it comes across often as incoherent, it's also rather dull with the tension and fun levels next to nil. The characters are little more than stereotypical ciphers, and there was no point in calling the villain Attila the Hun, because the villain here is the complete opposite to what Attila stood for. For all we know, he could have been any low-budget creature, acting like a zombie and looking like a mummy, and to make things worse he exudes no personality or sense or threat, completely forgettable. The acting in Attila is not good at all, in fact it's laughably bad. Steve Hanks is the best actor in the movie and he still overeggs the pudding, and Chris Conrad when we are eventually introduced to him has the opposite problem in that he's wooden and plays it far too straight. Lastly, the fight scenes and stunts are very repetitive, tiredly choreographed and clumsily edited. Summing things up Attila is an ineptly terrible movie all round, one to see once and forget. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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