Review of Blue Ruin

Blue Ruin (2013)
Surprising turns of events make this film worth watching, in spite of unclarities in the scenario. Amateur revenging angel at large, succeeding much better than imagined
20 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film at the Ghent (Belgium) film festival 2013. Overall I found the scenario a bit confusing, due to not all mutual relationships being clearly outlined. But the core story was perfectly clear, though leaving me in a depressed mood due to all the unnecessary bloodshed, in spite of the driving force of our main character was abundantly clear and understandable too. He added his fearless attitude inherited from his earlier existence as a vagabond, where that was key for his survival. A nice example was that we saw him using the bathtub in a random house, where he had to be on guard constantly for owners coming home, in which case he needed a quick escape, with or without his own clothes.

Our main character made a surprising transformation after his first killing, changing from a melancholic Jesus-like look with long hair and ditto impressive beard and mustache, into an average law-abiding citizen without a beard, no mustache, and his hair trimmed short. It is a necessary change, because his former outfit would draw too much attention and constantly hamper his hunting mission. From the outset of his first killing, it is abundantly clear that he was a complete layman in crime. His lack of expertise haunts him throughout the story until the very end. But with an overdose of luck and sheer determination, he comes much farther than we ever had imagined. The tables turn very quickly, however, and expect a lot of surprises along the line. I think the latter is the most important asset of this film, fully compensating for aforementioned unclarities in the scenario that would normally (in a whodunit or thriller) be unacceptable.
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