Review of We Faw Down

We Faw Down (1928)
Hilarious Forerunner To Sons Of The Desert
20 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
+++Spoilers+++ Wow! The only regret I have of this one is it's too short! This is the same formula as Sons Of The Desert (and a little Blotto also), Stan and Ollie go out without their two wives and of course all heck breaks loose for them both. This one is early on in their comedy pair years and I have never watched it before today since they never show silent films on syndicated TV, I watched this on a collection I have I think from Kino. There were some laughter sound effects from the characters added in that worked good. Like I wrote, this is very similar to Son's Of The Desert, except the boys get themselves involved with a couple of really loose women not just dance girls like in SOTD, and agree to go to their apartment to "dry off your wet clothes". If you think that sounds racy, you are correct, this one is not for the kids. Ollie at one point tells Stan to "be bohemian" and make "whoopie" with a woman who is trying to kiss Stan. At one point he tells Ollie out loud, I don't like her she's too fat! If you like racy Laurel and Hardy (and who doesn't?) then this may be the funniest material they have ever done. I have watched a few silent L&H's before but this was the one that made me laugh the most, it actually made me laugh more then most of their talkies as well! 9 out of 10 rating, I only wish it had been longer! Must see if you are a Sons Of The Desert fan!
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