I'm must be brain damaged
21 January 2014
I kind of liked this one, but please note: The last film I watched before this was The Alpha Incident, so maybe that film made this one seem good by comparison.

mooching a quarter from the chef, he heads to the phone, which promptly explodes, quickly followed by a water urn which showers the chef in boiling water, causing him to dive straight through a window. Dejected, Lee heads back to his church, whereupon he is greeted by himself. That's the first five minutes of this strange film. Weirdness like that draws me right in.

Meanwhile, some scientist guy is monitoring signals from outer space, and discovers a steady signal that he can somehow translate into English, and seems to predict a national disaster. Other signals from Earth are seemingly broadcast towards the source of this signal, and our hero quickly becomes obsessed with sorting out this mystery. Which is a shame, because his boss sends him on a lecture tour which severely hampers his investigations, but not before he translates another signal that seems to predict the eruption of a volcano in Africa…

Light on action but heavy in atmosphere and intrigue, with a tone of total desperation about it, End of the World seem to be a film that could only be made in the seventies. I'll warn you though: There's an awful lot of scenes of people wandering around in the dark (made darker still by the rough copies of the film going around) but instead of finding these boring I found them quite fitting to the rest of the film.

It's one half mystery and for the second half of the film it's all daft pseudo-science and humming, luminous machinery, set to an interesting electronic score. You should hear some of the crazy lines Lee and the other guy have to spout at each other. The cheap visual effects (of which there are plenty) and the ending just make this a hugely enjoyable pile of nonsense. If daft science and seventies nihilism are your thing, you'll get a kick out of this one. Although it's devoid of blood and gore and everyone else on here hated it.
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