Sub-par effort falls short of the mark
21 January 2014
John's 21 year old girlfriend Rebecca has moved 8 hours away to rent a room in a home in Collingswood, NJ to go to school. They keep in touch via webcam. For her birthday, john hooks her up with an online psychic, who eventually reveals that a cult used to operate in her area, and might still be in existence.

What follows are a series of web calls back and forth between the 2 where virtually nothing happens, and no suspense is built, as should be the case in this sort of movie. Rebecca uncovers some secrets about the house she is living in and the movie abruptly ends, with a mildly scary reveal.

The poster art for this movie is peppered with 4 star reviews and awards. One reviewer even says it is "The best low budget horror movie since The Blair Witch Project." I heartily disagree. As a huge found footage enthusiast I found it sub-par and lacking in any real suspense or horror.
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