Wild, malefic psychedelic occult pot-boiler from Gallic sleaze-hound Marcel Mercier.
23 January 2014
'A Woman Possessed' aka 'La Papesse' (1975) is a wickedly wild, magisterially malefic, psychedelically over-cooked, occult pot-boiler from Gallic sleaze-hound extraordinaire, Mario Mercier. There's more than a pungently witchy whiff of Sadeian malfeasance in director Mercier's ultra-lurid, fabulously-fleshly confection of triumphantly tasteless titillation. If Kult UK doomsters Electric Wizard ever made horror films, this would most certainly be one of 'em! With the glorious exception of personal filmmaking god, the master vampire impresario, Jean Rollin, la belle France isn't especially known for its frequent explorations into the satanic oeuvre, so that is all the more reason to warmly embrace this delightfully disreputable movie miscreant's blissfully unexpurgated trawl through the occult mire. Much of this delectable filth is riotously redolent of perverse polymath Jess Franco's no less exquisite 'Exorcism', with director, Mario Mercier having no doubt opened Coffin Joe's perfectly prurient Pandora's Box of sensationally inflamed phantasmagoria to inspire his own ignominious decent into exploitation-horror hell! And I absolutely must sing the worthy praises of the ferociously funky, wondrously, dark-vibe-inducing electronic score by Eric Demarsan, deliriously delivering some Tip-Top tuneage for this sublimely fleshly heft of salaciously Gallic, 1970s Sinema!
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