Love It
24 January 2014
The person that makes this film really interesting is Nazneen Contractor, though she really should consider changing her name for fame. Nazneen reminds me a lot of Jane Russell ... she actually looks like she could be Jane's daughter, that's how much they have in common when it comes to looks, as well as attitude. If they ever make a movie about Jane ... Nazneen should get the part, if she's as good as she appeared to be in this film. I certainly hope she continues doing movies, she has the potential to become a very popular actress ... right up there with Halle Berry and Nicole Kidman, but her name will most likely hold her back ... the name you use, in this business, makes a huge difference in what goals you reach. Maybe Nina Nazeen ... it flows well?

Actually, what makes this movie "good" is the casting, and the wonderful imagination of Alex Wright, whom seems to have a lot of thoughts, when it comes to religion, as The Love Ministry! If he believes what the character "Joey" says about the church.

The filming was very realistic, as was the sounds. The action is superb, and the entrance of the spirit was well incorporated by giving the spirit an appearance as preparations began for the seance, showing that the spirits are already there ... awaiting acknowledgement. Totally cool.

The actors are not seasoned actors, few actors are at their ages, that takes years and years of experience, but they are much better than a lot of actors ... at their ages. One thing I can say is that the parts were given to the right people, and the script was basically solid. This is a film I will enjoy watching numerous times ... because the script, directing, action, and film cuttings run as smoothly as a classic poem ... its rhythm is constant, and the parts are never, obviously, played over the top, or under-expectations of what was needed. Anyone that does not appreciate the quality of this film hasn't a clue of how many films, like this one's subject, are basically some degree of crap.

By the way, and totally surprising to me, the profanity in this film actually worked ... probably because it wasn't over-used, and it was felt by the actor(s) ... and not everyone was using it. Anyhoots, the point is that this is one of the rare films where profanity worked, in most films it is so obvious that the profanity is used for shock ... not real, not felt ... just there, where it didn't belong.

Anyhoots ... I love this film, and it caused me to buy the 2006 DVD "Seance", a waste of money. It was OK, but it couldn't hold a candle to this one!
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