Review of Crime Zone

Crime Zone (1988)
Didn't Seem to Click
25 January 2014
This was a difficult movie for me to rate. First of all, I usually enjoy films with Sherilynn Fenn because she adds a unique quality to movies with her beauty and youthful charm. Throw in David Carradine and any movie would probably be somewhat successful. Additionally, I really enjoy films of an apocalyptic science-fiction nature. Unfortunately, things just didn't seem to click for me in this one. While Sherilynn Fenn (as "Helen") certainly did her job well enough I don't think David Carradine ("Jason") was used as extensively as he should have been. Additionally, Peter Nelson ("Bone") seemed more like a supporting actor than someone in the lead male role. Along with that I didn't care for the performance of Michael Shaner ("Creon") at all. Likewise, the sets were extremely cheap looking and the action was kind of boring. Granted this was a Roger Cormen film and low-budget productions are his specialty. But it didn't seem to work in this particular case. That said, I rate the film as slightly below average.
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