Prophets of Doom (2011 TV Movie)
Could use a title with a more positive bent like "Prophets of Change," e.g.
28 January 2014
This movie offers a concise encapsulation of issues relating to impending change. The declining American empire is discussed in the historical context that all empires rise and fall.

Americans need to change. Our success has been predicated on the myths of ever-expanding debt. Eventually, the bills come due. Our financial institutions have failed us. Capitalism needs new paradigms to survive.

Americans consume more resources than we need. How can we prosper without being resource hogs? Oil as a source of power is convenient and relatively cheap but pollution from spills and effluence from refineries are damaging our environment. We need to do better. Alternative, cleaner energy must be pursued and use of polluting technologies must be reduced.

Clean water is designated as the real crisis. We have polluted fresh water resources, and even our oceans, such that potential food resources living there have become toxic to us. We need clean water to survive! Its importance cannot be exaggerated.

Consideration of these issues and the formulation of viable solutions to problems we are facing are vital to our continuing survival. This movie is a call to all of us to wake up!
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