There are worse ways to spend an afternoon!
29 January 2014
Mosquito Squadron gets a very bad press, and most of it is deserved, but to be fair, if you watch it when you chip off early from work on a mid day afternoon, it delivers on quite a few levels. It is not too long so you don't get bogged down too much and its got a reasonable plot (as long as you don't compare it with Operation Crossbow and 633 Squadron - which are not only similar plot wise, but were shamelessly looted for much of their footage by this film). The romantic stuff is a total drag and some of the acting is pretty bad, also you would have to watch this alone or at best with a drunk mate, because the special effects are awful, and I hate it when my wife laughs at me because of stuff I watch! But I can forgive the acting, because it's a rare war film that gives us 'Bridge on the River Kwai' dialogue, and beside's MS is far superior in this sense to the dreadful acting in 'The Alamo' or 'Tora Tora Tora', which both had huge budgets to waste. MS is a B-Movie, lets not forget that, and much of the unfair criticism comes from people who compare the film with other late 60's war films, or boring plane spotters, when it should be watched and enjoyed as nothing more than a boy's own type adventure. But if you are willing to overlook the 1968 look of the film and the pointless tank battle at the end, you will be rewarded. Give me this film and a 4-pack of Stella on a wet afternoon, and i'll be happy!
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