Pulp Fiction (1994)
"Awesome" would be an understatement..
3 February 2014
Well, I didn't had any high expectations when i watched this movie, but damn...This is one hell of a movie..This movie is very well safe in my top 5 favorite movie of all time. As far as i remember, this is the only movie that i didn't want it to end, even when the duration is almost 3 hours.

This movie maybe didn't have much action, or explosion, but the dialogues are enough to keep you glued. Seriously, i think that is what Hollywood movies are lacking nowadays..such entertaining and wonderful dialogues/conversation. All of the cast did a great job in this movie. And i think the one that really stand out is Sam Jackson. And i think you all know why when you watch it. And i pretty much enjoy the non- linear plot style that is shown in this movie.

I feel pity for anyone who still haven't watch this movie, or anyone who considered this movie as "boring"..I remember when it's about to end, i was like "Nooo, don't end yet.."..Such an addicting movie.A great masterpiece that will live throughout the ages.
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